I have a problem

11/28/08 kitty cups
I have a confession to make.

It should come as no surprise that I am a bit of a hoarder. I collect things. Lots of things. Not like in a having collections sort of way like people are with knick knacks or stamps or vintage, well, everything these days. No. I mean I just keep acquiring stuff.

This would be fine, except… I’m scared to use it. I will buy stuff, then put it away and avoid taking it out and using it, just to keep it safe. How ridiculous is this?

Last summer we went to Chicago and I got the chance to walk around and do a little shopping in Chinatown. It was great. We went in a little tea shop and I found this fabulous kitty cup set. So cute! I had to have it! I had them wrap it up. I carefully wedged it in my bag. I carefully brought it home. I put it in the cupboard. In the cupboard where it has stayed for the last 5 months.
11/28/08 kitty cups
Until tonight.

I’d like you to know that right now, right this very moment, I am forcing myself to drink tea out of one of these adorable tea cups. And it’s hard! My instincts tell me no! What if something happens to it?! What if it has a nasty Muffin-induced accident like the adorable cow bowl?! What if it gets chipped when I wash it?! What if the tea stains it?! What if what if!!

But tonight, right now, right this very moment, I’m making that voice shut up! I’m doing it and… it’s nice!

Yay for Bunny Slippers!

bunny slippersI love mail. I love mail that isn’t a bill or a credit card offer. It’s just a total day brightener. It’s really one of the best parts of online shopping. It feels like getting a Christmas present from myself. Even though there’s no surprise. It’s still just as thrilling tearing off the wrapper! I do have a shopping package coming to me this week but this post is about something better.

Recently, I won something! And not just any old something. I won some Bunny Slippers! I now have totally adorable, totally soft and cozy Bunny Slippers(!) thanks to Aly at A Little Aly-tude. She rocks my socks. I’m a regular reader of her blog and you should be too! The lovely bunny filled package came from Barefoot Parties. Their catalog is definitely worth a look. There are all sorts of gift ideas and, of course, the slippers.