my facial care routine

It has taken years, but I have finally mostly made peace with my skin. I’ve gotten to know what it likes, what it doesn’t, what it will tolerate and what it really, definitely won’t. I have a pretty strict routine but I modify it as I find things that work better for me. This is my current product list:

Coal Face (Lush) – This is a cleanser that comes in the form of a black bar like a bar of soap. It uses charcoal, licorice, and sandalwood oil and has a fresh almost citrusy scent. My skin really digs it. The charcoal grit sticks in my buf-puf but it doesn’t really bother me. If that’s the kind of thing that would bother you, perhaps it would be best to avoid. Or not, really you’ll like it. Try it anyway.

Buf-Puf – It’s an exfoliating sponge. They make them in varying degrees of scrubby-ness. I use this pretty much every time I wash my face. I like and need a lot of exfoliation or my skin really shows it. Sometimes I skip the buf-puf in the shower but only if I’m following up with my home-made skin scrub.

Scrub recipe: Honey, sugar. Use more sugar if you like more scrub, less if you like less. This is sticky, so I usually only use this in the shower. The sugar helps to exfoliate and clean out your pores and the honey has natural moisturizing and anti-bacterial properties. Yay!

Aveeno SPF 15 Positively Radiant Moisturizer – I first tried this facial moisturizer because I love the Aveeno daily body moisturizer so much. Here at chez product whore we seriously refer to this stuff as “magic lotion” because it’s that good. Usually lotions will claim to moisturize for 24 hours but don’t. This stuff does. So I figured if the body lotion is so great maybe the face lotion will be great too! I do like it but it’s not *as* good. It’s not even that there’s anything bad about it. It’s just not as spectacular as the body lotion. It’s not greasy and has a bit of highlighting shimmer, but not in a bad way. You wouldn’t notice it unless you were looking really closely at your fingertips after applying.

Sometimes I break this up with Ultralight from Lush. I think it’s getting discontinued but they have a few new moisturizers to take its place so I’m sure I’ll still be happy.

I follow my moisturizer with an acne treating cream. You’re supposed to apply them under your moisturizer but I’m a rebel and do it after. It works for me! I’m not brand loyal when it comes to this. Usually I pick up whatever 10% Benzoyl Peroxide cream is cheapest. I think I’m currently using the WalMart brand but in the past I’ve used Neutrogena, Clean & Clear, and AcneFree.

At night I use Imperialis moisturizer (Lush) and sometimes I’ll dab a little tea tree oil on problem spots. This, strangely, makes me irresistible to Biscuit. He has to be physically restrained or he will attack me and start licking my face like mad. It’s toxic though, thus the restraint.

What are your must have products?

Holiday Gift Guide!

Looking for gifts for the product whore in your life? I’ve put together a list of fabulous items for you!

1. Lush:

Christmas Party Bath Bomb – I love this bomb! It’s orangey and lovely and full of stars and confetti. I admit I put mine in a stocking before dropping it in the bath. But I’m lazy and don’t like to clean stuff out of my tub.

Ma Bar Bubble Bar

And for a relaxing time *after* the bath, try a Soft Coeur Massage Bar!

2. Mason Pearson – Everyone should have one of these hair brushes.

You can buy them on Amazon!
Mason Pearson Hairbrushes

This is the one I have: Mason Pearson Junior Bristle & Nylon Brush – I’ve had it for 14 years and I LOVE it. I also have the pocket version.

3. Bunny slippers! – I previously wrote about my awesome bunny slippers.

This is where you can buy the slippers I have:

For a similar but less pricey version:
try this

try this

4. For fans of Too Faced Cosmetics and Kipling bags:

Kipling Loves Too Faced cosmetic sets! Each comes with Too Faced cosmetics tucked in a Kipling bag!

From Kipling’s Site:

Primp & Party Set: Starry Eyed Liner, Lash Injection Pinpoint Mascara (which I sampled recently – look for an upcoming post about that!), Foiled Liner

Kiss & Run Set: Mood Swing Emotionally Activated Lip Gloss
Diamond Gloss

Envy Me Set: Lash Injection Mascara, Lip Injection Lip Plumper, Pink Leopard Bronzer, Refresh Blotter Papers

Charmed & Glamorous Set: Beauty Balm

From Too Faced:
Too Faced Loves Kipling Set: Lovey Dovey Duo Eye Shadow, Mini Ooh & Aah Starry Eyed Liner, Mini Black Lash Injection, and Mini Colorless Application Shadow Insurance

5. Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty Toaster

Hello Kitty Necklace

Hello Kitty Waffle Maker

Hello Kitty Hair Dryer

Hello Kitty Computer Keyboard

6. Escada Moon Sparkle – This is one of the very few non Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfumes that I have ever liked. I *love* this. It’s sort of fruity, sort of floral. I am terrible at describing scents. But this one is lovely. I just keep sniffing myself and sniffing myself.

7. Flowering Tea with Teapot and Warmer – This is so pretty. I would love to have one of these. I have a lot of tea so I haven’t been able to justify buying it. One of these days!

Another fine tea place, Adagio Tea, has all sorts of great stuff. And you can get smaller sizes to sample or mix and match. Bonus!

So there you have it! What are you thinking about buying this year?

Wavy hair

08/01/08 wavy hair products I have wavy hair. Not like sleek, smooth, glam wavy hair (though if I knew how I’d love to rock that look). More like slightly messy sexy wavy hair. One benefit to the slightly messy waves, I suppose, is that they require less “doing”. They are low stress and fairly low maintenance. Low maintenance, however, does not mean *no* maintenance. So I do have a few products on hand to help things along.

In the shower

I recently tried big waves by Charles Worthington London. I like to switch up my conditioners quite a bit and decided to try the matching shampoo with it. Like most shampoos and conditioners, this set is supposed to leave my hair gently cleansed, less frizzy and with plenty of healthy looking moisture and shine. It’s also supposed to enhance waves. I did find it to be a fine and acceptable shampoo and conditioner. My hair was left clean, not greasy, not dry, soft and with a nice light scent. I can’t really say if it enhanced my waves. They were going to be there no matter what. I didn’t have frizz, but I don’t usually. Often things that are supposed to tame frizz make my hair feel weighed down or greasy and this didn’t. So yay! I will definitely be using it again.

Out of the shower

When I get out of the shower, I brush my hair. I know this is supposed to be bad. But I swear I don’t torture my hair by doing this. I have a Mason Pearson brush and it has yet to do my hair wrong. I could (and probably will!) devote a whole entry just to my Mason Pearson. But that’s an entry for another time. So anyway, out of the shower, hair detangled and toweled enough so it’s not sopping and dripping on me. I don’t really do the towel dry thing because that really *would* knot up my hair. I like to put whatever styling aid I’m using on my hair before it starts to dry. Otherwise it doesn’t really take to the product as well. My current product of choice for defining and dressing my waves is Lush’s King of the Mods gel. It smells citrusy, like grapefruit and leaves my hair with slight definition but no crunchy-ness or greasiness. It shakes a little like jelly and melts on my fingers. I only need to dip my finger tips in the pot and rub my hands together. That’s enough for me to smooth through and start scrunching. I’m really starting to love this stuff and wish I could use it on second day hair but I haven’t found a way to do it. Fortunately, I have an alternative!

Second day hair

Usually I wash my hair every other day. I started doing it this way when I was growing out damage from a coloring experiment gone awry. It really did help and when my hair was all happy again, I just kept up the habit. But usually on the second day, after I’ve brushed it out, braided it, slept on it and brushed it out again, it can’t decide if it wants to be wavy or straight and it has bumps from the braids and is just kind of a mess. And not the cute sexy kind either. So at that point my choices are usually ponytail or pinned up somehow. Boring. But necessary.

I was pretty excited when I came across a product made for second day *curls*. I figured it might not work for me but was worth a shot. If it didn’t work for me there was always the standby. But Ouidad Botanical Boost actually did the trick. Wee! It says you can use it on dry hair but that didn’t work as well for me. What worked best for me was dampening my hair a little by running my hands under water first and then through my hair. Then I brush, then spray a few sprays all over and then scrunch. Too wet and it doesn’t work as well either. So it’s a delicate process. But it has really worked well for me. If you have curly hair, I’m sure it would work just as well or better, since that’s what it’s for. I haven’t tried it on wet hair. It’s supposed to be moisturizing too, which is a definite bonus. I like having another option on my non-hair washing days.

So that’s my typical routine lately. What’s yours? Any tips? Anyone else tried these? I’d love to know what you think!

(wavy hair products review)